The Wooly Mason Jar

The Wooly Mason Jar


What To Do With your Colors?

Debra Walland Seaside Rug hooking


Sometimes I see patterns that remind me of my colors and inspire me so why not share my thoughts here.

Debra Walland from Seaside Rug Hooking has this pattern that blew me away, along with many more of course. You will never be bored!

Joanne Page Wooly Worms Rugs Chickens

 Joanne Page of Wooly Worms truly represents my easy color wheel palette dyeing! You may purchase Her patterns and have fun dyeing your wool at home.

Joanne Page Primitive Sunflower


Joanne Page Primitive Sunflower

Wooly worms

Joanne Page BEEHIVE Wooly Worms Rugs


Beehive- Telling the Bees.

Joanne Page used my WMJ Color Wheel Dye System to dye these beautiful colors. Joanne’s pattern have a beautiful flow due the her hand dyed wools. Wouldn’t this be lovely in your home? 

Diann McDonald Under your Feet Punched Rugs.

Under Your Feet Punched Rugs

 My Nova Scotia friend Diann McDonald creates wonder punched rug and is a Certified Oxford Teacher. Diann designs, teaches and dyes using The Wooly Mason Jar dye system. Please check out her beautiful work and if you want a teacher I can vouche for her. She is lovely inside and out!

Lucy Richard
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