About me.
About how this all started...
After spending too much money on too many things that I really didn't need or understand and just to have them sit on the shelf collecting dust I decided to go back to basics to relearn dyeing.
I dyed my own personal pallette and color wheel with the help April DeConnick from Red Jack Rugs and did everything wrong!
My mistakes turned into my good fortune and I discovered an easier method for me to understand. I knew I had to simplify it and make something that made sense for me and others like me.
No need to waste money any more I now have the system that will look after all our dyeing needs.
This system was too good to not share, it is fun, easy and learn the color wheel as you go! All the hard work is done for you.
I can’t afford to play with yards of wool and never be able to duplicate the color unless I dye another large piece. Working with 3" x 18"pieces lets you play without the worry of breaking the bank. If you make a mistake on a 3" x 18" piece of wool it is not a big deal just over dye it. This freedom is sooo much fun!!!
I am offering my homemade swatch/color wheel/recipe cards for dyeing as an aid to beginner and experienced dyers.
I am not an expert by no means but this is easy to follow and my friends have all urged me to sell some. I hope to help a few people out as well as recover some of my expenses. Thanks for visiting.
Most cards are printed, laminated and put together by me which is time consuming so I take orders and fill them as I go. This is the therapy I need for my wool addiction. So please be patient.
Thanks for having a look. Please contact me with any questions lucy@thewoolymasonjar.com
The Wooly Mason Jar Dye System was originally loosely adapted from the palette dyeing system created and published by April D. DeConick, The Wool Palette: A Rug Hooker's Guide to Dyeing Your Own Color Palette of Wool (revised edition; aprildeconickrugstudio.com). But has now evolved into its own as easier way to dye. With lots of accessories to keep building on the original!